Congratulations to our August award-winners
Always a bittersweet ending to a season, we concluded our 2016 season with KBIA’s biannual BBQ & Awards ceremony on Aug. 20. All children received participation ribbons, some received KBIA “wedges” or plaques for those who exemplify the KBIA spirit in attitude and accomplishment, while a select few earned their way into KBIA history. For these top honors, winners’ names are engraved on our traditional “silver ware,” which are on display in the office for all to see. And the winners are:
Hartley Lord Cup for Seamanship: Olliver Turnbull
Eagle Rock Yacht Club Officer’s Cup: Elly Polivy
Eagle Rock Yacht Club Hartley Lord Cup: Aidan Wood
Eagle Rock Yacht Club Friendship Cup: Max Turnbull
Sisters Gerold and Vincent Art Award: Evie King
Feldman Art Award: Willow West
Keepers of the Cove: Elly Polivy
Griswold Tray: Colin Blais
Jane Wydra Award: Emma Trenchard
President’s Cup: Jacob Kayser
Waterhouse Cup: Michael Donovan
Calder Cup: Anu Rawlings
Cornelia Smith Award: Ellie Stief