We are committed to creating a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment. We aim to provide a positive learning climate where all members of our community – participants, staff, volunteers, guardians and visitors alike – feel physically and emotionally safe, included and accepted.
With this commitment, the following Code of Conduct is expected of all of our community members (participants, staff, volunteers, guardians, visitors, etc.) at all times.
All members of the KBIA community shall:
Respect yourself: members are expected, per their age, to take appropriate care of themselves (follow Health and Safety policies and procedures, practice self-care and participate to the fullness of their capabilities and comfort levels).
Respect the community: KBIA members enjoy the privilege of being environmental stewards of the natural resource that is Mother’s Beach and the Cove. All community members shall treat KBIA property and its surrounding area with care and respect.
Respect others: All members will work together and contribute to the well-being (physical, emotional, mental, environmental, social, etc.) of others to create a positive community. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion are promoted through a positive display of respect of all persons in speech, action and behavior, absent of violence, harassment, racism, intimidation and discrimination of any kind.