Counselor & CIT Program

Counselors and CIT Overview

Counselors and Counselors in Training (CIT) are an important part of KBIA’s mission and play an essential role in the smooth operation of our programs. Counselors and CITs enjoy all the benefits of KBIA’s unique environment as they learn valuable life skills, earn important certifications, and build lasting relationships. While developing these skills and gaining hands-on experience, Counselors and CITs contribute to the quality of our programs and the safety of our students. By the end of the summer, KBIA Counselors and CITs experience both personal and professional growth.

The Assistant Director hires and oversees the scheduling and supervision of the Counselors.

The CIT Program Coordinator is responsible for teaching the CIT curriculum and coordinating individual CIT service schedules (i.e., volunteer hours) so service schedules do not conflict with the CIT’s enrichment classes.

As in past years, the Counselor and CIT Programs provide age-appropriate opportunities. The different levels present new challenges and provide opportunity for different experiences for older counselors. Our CITs receive the supervision and training they need to become successful Counselors.  KBIA recognizes that the developmental stage of a person is keyed not only to age, but also the stage of schooling.  Therefore, we grant exceptions for those with summer birthdays; please contact the Assistant Director for more information.

Employment Statement: KBIA employs young men and young women starting at age 15 when they typically have completed their first year of high school.  KBIA expects parents of employees to support the values that KBIA has promoted for over 100 years.  KBIA will contact parents of employees under the age of 18 when an issue arises that requires the Executive Director’s involvement.  Examples are failure to show up for work, significantly underperforming, and safety issues.  It is the hope of KBIA that by communicating directly with the family of employees under the age of 18 that positive growth can result by the employee and that the family supports any necessary actions.  KBIA will only contact parents of its employees over the age of 18 with the consent of the employee.

Age as of June 15 Eligible role at KBIA
13 CIT
14 CIT
15 Jr. Counselor
16 Jr. Counselor
17 Jr. Counselor
18 Sr. Counselor


The CIT Program is a course designed for teens (ages 13 and 14) interested in developing the leadership and educational skills required to become a successful camp counselor at KBIA or anywhere else.

In addition to completing the CIT Interest Form, CITs must enroll in at least two consecutive weeks of CIT classes in the summer, but we encourage them to take as many weeks as possible. (To promote that idea, once the CIT has completed four weeks, we drop the $139 weekly for additional weeks.) **Every age-eligible students can register for CIT class, the CIT Interest Form is not an application but a form to give our Assistant Director & CIT Coordinator details in advance of the summer. On the day class registrations open you can register for the sessions you want to take this summer.

The program emphasizes on-the-job training, supervised instruction, and lessons in CPR and First Aid. Though no two weeks cover the same topics, classes will cover training for various roles that counselors have over the course of eight weeks. We also use some of the class time to share our volunteer experiences and the learning that came out of it.

Each week CITs will be sign up for 10 or more flexible hours of service activities. Teens may note areas of interest, but we encourage CITs to try different classes and step out of their comfort zone. Our Assistant Director & CIT Coordinator will make the final assignments based on CITs’ schedules and interests balanced with areas of need at KBIA.

CITs are required to register for the General CIT class, as well as complete a CIT Interest Form.  The cost is $139 per week for the first four weeks, after four weeks, CITs are encouraged to continue in the program at no additional cost. CIT I class is for CITs that have not previously been CITs at KBIA, and the CIT II class is for returning CITs. CITs must be enrolled in a CIT course and one additional class at the time of participation. If requested, letters of reference will be given upon completion of the CIT’s service.

There are several new “pathways” for CITs in 2024, which can result in endorsement for CiI-ing sailing classes, powerboat classes, tennis, pool, and paddle classes. (See below) All inquiries for can be directed to [email protected] or our Assistant Director & CIT Coordinator.
General CIT

  • Meets twice a week for classes
  • Encouraged to take CIT classes for at least two, and up to eight weeks
  • Should sign up for 8-12 hours of volunteering per week (can CIT classes for ages 4-10 only; no age 11+ classes)
  • Required for ALL specialized CITs

Tennis CIT

  • Must attend General CIT classes
  • Meet with Tennis Pro once per week during CIT Tennis class
  • Volunteer at Edgcomb under Pro’s direction

Pool CIT

  • Must attend General CIT classes
  • Must get approval from Pool Director
  • Must take 2 weeks of the Jr Lifeguarding Course (free for CITs) (not to exceed 3 weeks)

Powerboat CIT

  • Should attend General CIT class
  • Must take a minimum of 2 weeks of the Powerboat CIT class (not to exceed 3 weeks)
  • Should have attended at least 2 Powerboat Classes as a camper

Paddle CIT

  • Should attend General CIT class
  • Must take 2 weeks of the Paddle CIT class (not to exceed 3 weeks)
  • Should have attended at least 2 Paddle Classes (Kayak or SUP) as a camper

Sail CIT

  • Should attend General CIT class
  • Must complete 2 weeks of the CIT Powerboat class
  • Attend at least one session of Laser sailing (either in previous summers of during this summer)
  • Attend at least one week of Race Team

It is HIGHLY recommended that those who wish to be considered for Waterfront Sailing staff also cross-register for a Race class (Opti Race or Race Team).

Junior & Senior Counselors

Junior & Senior Counselors gain experience in leadership by assisting staff in the instruction of various classes, helping with administrative functions, and working at KBIA community events. Counselors assist with safety on the KBIA campus, beach, and playground. In addition, Counselors support KBIA’s mission through service learning projects, including helping maintain the Cove and Mother’s Beach. Senior Counselors are eligible for a greater range of opportunities and responsibilities, which includes assisting in the teaching of classes, mentoring and organizing social events. Counselors receive compensation based on age, experience, and certifications. Weekly schedules are provided allowing Counselors the flexibility to make the most of their summer by pursuing additional employment and other activities if desired. However, last-minute scheduling adjustments are sometimes necessary, and we ask Counselors to support such changes. Junior and Senior Counselors must complete a Counselor Application; if you cannot access Google forms, please email the Assistant Director

Please note: We make every effort to accommodate areas of interest but assignments cannot be guaranteed. Due to the nature of some classes, applicants with advanced certifications will be given preference. There is limited Counselor space available.

Applicants with CIT or Counselor experience at KBIA, and those able to participate for four or more consecutive weeks, will be given preference.

Applications are reviewed as they’re received, applying quickly is advised. Applications received after May 15 may not receive a response and it is likely that some or all of the positions will be filled by March 30.