How You Feel About KBIA
Survey Results
Last month, we sent out a survey requesting your feedback to help KBIA better serve our members and the children who take classes with us…we thank you.
Among some of the biggest take-aways from the survey feedback, this is what we learned:
– Over 98% of respondents would recommend KBIA to a family member or friend.
– 90% of respondents said that the location of KBIA is what makes it special, followed by staff (71%), history (64%), and quality of programs (63%).
– A significant number of respondents obtain information from the KBIA website, as an example, over 90% look at the class descriptions.
– Most classes received high marks, however, the survey did identify some classes that need attention, which will help guide us as we prepare for the 2017 season.
– Over 80% of respondents informed us that the January mailing was not important to them in paper form.
– The staff received excellent marks with over 94% of respondents agreeing with:
– the staff is well trained and professional
– the staff are great role models
– the staff does a great job of teaching and reinforcing positive values
– the staff is friendly and accessible
We are extremely thankful to the participants who gave their thoughtful input, and we have read through and reflected upon every response, rating, and comment.
We promised a prize to a randomly selected participant…and the winner is…
Kelley Currie! Thank you Kelley, and we hope you enjoy your prize for providing your survey feedback!
We appreciate you!