News from the Beach
July 17, 2018
KBIA Adventures Await
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With over 50 classes to choose from, it’s almost like a choose your own adventure book each week! Classes do fill up fast, but there is still time to register.  Sign up for an activity that opens your child to a new perspective, a new skill, a new friend.  Swimming, surfing, tennis…sailing, woodworking, nature…stand up paddle boarding, painting, drama…there is something for everyone.  With so many to choose from, we encourage you to come visit our office if you need assistance.  Office hours are Monday 8 AM to 5 PM, Tuesday to Friday 9 AM to 12 PM and 1 to 4 PM.  See you at the beach!
July Watersports, BBQ, Awards
Saturday, July 21
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Please join us at KBIA Saturday, July 21, for the first of our two annual barbecue and awards ceremonies.  The July BBQ and Awards Ceremony will kick off with assorted watersports in the pool for various ages:
8:30 to 9:00 AM: 3- 4 year olds
9:00 to 9:30 AM: 5- 6 year olds
9:30 to 10:00 AM: 7- 8 year olds
10:00 to 10:30 AM: 9 and older
10:30 to 11:00 AM: Free swim for all ages
At 11 AM, we will begin the awards portion of the day, handing out various KBIA “wedges” and traditional KBIA honors.
The awards will be followed by a BBQ of hot dogs, veggie burgers, hamburgers, chips, potato salad, and cake! 
Celebrate by the Seaside
Saturday, July 21
Join us this Saturday, from 6 to 8 PM, on the KBIA lawn for our eleventh annual Seaside Celebration. This night unites the “older” members of this KBIA community (21 and older, please), and gives us a chance to catch up and enjoy the beautiful setting by the cove. All are welcome, so invite your friends and family, partake in some cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, and have a good time!
 Auction items available to bid on at the Seaside include:
1) One parking space for the 2019 season — convenient to your favorite summer enrichment program and one of the best beaches around!
2) Pool party at the KBIA pool for up to 20 swimmers for before the end of the 2019 season. 
3) A private hot dog roast and s’mores on the beach for up to 10 — sit back and enjoy as KBIA staff provides the food and fun!
4) A beautiful floral display arranged by Fleurant
We also will be accepting donations for our scholarships.  These scholarships go to local children so they can attend KBIA for a fulfilling summer they otherwise would not have the chance to attend.
If you would like to bid on any auction item but cannot attend the Seaside, please contact Martin Lodish.
It’s not too late to RSVP to [email protected] or call 967-2180, please come celebrate summer with us!
KBIA Classes for Adults
We can have fun too!
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We know how much you enjoy watching all the fun the kids are having while sitting at the picnic tables and adirondack chairs…but we wanted to remind you that YOU are invited to have fun too!   
Beach yoga anyone?  Local yoga instructor Leslie Fiore has us in a zen state of mind every Wednesday and Friday morning 7-8am, $15.
Jump in the pool for a good lap swim before you get your day started (we also have a Tuesday/Thursday night session 5-6 PM, $30) – sign up for any of the following days/times:   
Mon/Wed/Fri       7-7:45 AM and 7:45-8:30 AM ($34)
Tues/Thurs         7-7:45 AM and 7:45-8:30 AM; 5-6 PM ($23)
Inquire at the office to register.  Come have some fun!
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Clynk for KBIA
CLYNK is another way to help preserve our beaches and help KBIA at the same time!  We have the green CLYNK bags available at our office for members to pick up, fill with returnables, and redeem them at the Kennebunk Hannaford (or any CLYNK redemption center).  Proceeds from KBIA-tagged bags will benefit our nonprofit organization.
This Week at KBIA
TUESDAY TWEEN NIGHT: Bowling & Snacks6 to 8 PM. $28. (Ages 11+) ***FULL***
WEDNESDAY MOVIE NIGHT: “Monsters, Inc.,” Rated G, 7 to 9 PM, $8. (Ages 4-10)  
EXTENDED CAMPFIRE BEACH BBQ: This Wednesday, we keep the bonfire on the beach going well after movie night starts so adults can enoy, bring apps to share, the fun starts at 6 PM (no registration required).
THURSDAY TEEN NIGHT : Pool Party & Hot Dogs, 6 to 8 PM, $28. (Ages 13+)
*Please preregister for all the above events at the office so we may accurately plan for transportation and/or admission fees.
**Registration for movie night is limited to 50 children, and registration for movie night at the office closes at 4PM the day of the movie or when we reach capacity. Please be advised we almost always reach capacity!

Sunday, July 221 to 3 PM. $11 per family.