News from the Beach
April 17, 2019
Search for the Next Executive Director

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Happy Spring All,
As I reported last fall, this will be Martin Lodish’s last season as KBIA Executive Director. Martin has done a tremendous job leading our wonderful organization over the last 11 years. We will miss him.
However, your Board of Directors has been working diligently over the winter researching and defining the Executive Director Job Description and the proper direction for the search to find a new one. A big thanks to both Donna Smythe-Wilson and Nina Chagnon, for co-chairing our ED search committee. With their hard work and help from the BOD and Martin, we feel well prepared to begin the search for a new Executive Director.
The job will be posted in several online locations and is also on the KBIA website. To streamline this process, all responses will be directed to the [email protected] where steps have been put in place to respond to all candidates.
Should you have anyone interested or know of a potential candidate, we ask that you direct them to the KBIA website for the job description and have them contact us through the [email protected] email address.
I would like to emphasize that we aim to continue to conduct a transparent, professional, and thorough search for the best person to lead KBIA into our next chapter.
This is an exciting time for KBIA and we will make sure to provide you with timely updates as the process moves along.
Warm Regards,
John Bauman
President of the KBIA Board of Directors          
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