To read the final weekly newsletter of the season, click here.
And that’s a wrap!
Miss us yet? We sure miss all of you — all 329 member families to be exact — who made the Summer of 2012 one to remember! We trust you and your families are settling into the school routine and KBIA factors fondly into those back-to-school “What I Did Over Summer Vacation” essays. Though summer seems like a distant memory in some ways, we at KBIA keep our organization close to our hearts year-round as we work to improve on a great thing. Below is a season wrap-up as well as a look ahead at some of the projects we are working on in the off-season. Be sure to check our progress on our website and/or facebook page throughout the year!
2012: A record-breaking year!
We had a record year this summer at KBIA, with more families than ever enjoying our summer programming. Last year we closed out the 2011 season with record-breaking 298 member families, and this year we have 329 member families on record. That’s a 10 percent increase, and we thank you for helping spread the word about us! KBIA is such a unique experience, and we think every child deserves a little “magic” in their summer. As you have a chance to reflect on KBIA memories, what did you and your family like most? What can we improve on next year? In the spirit of open dialogue, we want to know how we may serve you and new members even better in the future. We invite you to gather your thoughts and send them to Executive Director Martin Lodish.
Taking over the helm at KBIA
A nonprofit seasonal organization, KBIA couldn’t run without the year-round efforts of its volunteer Board of Directors. In addition to working behind the scenes on everything from policy to the playground, members also meet as a group quarterly to help steer the organization toward greatness.
We’d like to thank this year’s Board of Directors for their dedication and hours of selfless service in making KBIA the organization it is, now 102 years old. We especially want to recognize our outgoing President Dave Stevenson, pictured above, who led the Board of Directors from 2010 to 2012. We also appreciate the heart and soul put into running this organization by those board members who led us through a time of transition several years ago and this August completed their full terms: Ralph Chauvin, Kathleen O’Donnell DiNisco, and Priscilla Doris-Siegal. Thanks, too, to board members Lisa LaBrique and Betsy Dawson, who have stepped down this year!
Our future looks bright, and we are confident in the new leadership of Seana Wood, above, a mother of three KBIA kids who calls New York City home. She takes on the role of president for a two-year term, assisted by several new members:
~ Brian Campbell from Bethesda Md.
~ David Keating from Toronto;
~ Pierre Monaghan from Montreal;
~ Julie Wolfson Stockman from LA; and
~ MM Shore Tornga from California.
And the winners are:
Always a bittersweet ending to a season, we concluded our 2012 with KBIA’s biannual BBQ & Awards ceremony on Aug. 18. All children received participation ribbons, some received KBIA “wedges” or plaques for those who exemplify the KBIA spirit in attitude and accomplishment, while a select few earned their way into KBIA history. For these top honors, winners’ names are engraved on our traditional “silver ware,” which are on display in the office for all to see. Those winners were:
Hartley Lord Cup for Seamanship: Jimmy Mitchell
Eagle Rock Yacht Club Officer’s Cup: Marguerite Montagner
Eagle Rock Yacht Club Hartley Lord Cup: Julianne Puckette
Eagle Rock Yacht Club Friendship Cup: Taylor Mullen
Sisters Gerold and Vincent Art Award: Jessie Cardinal
Feldman Art Award: Margaret Russell
Keepers of the Cove: Andrew Burke, Caleb Hofmann and Harry Stevenson
Cornelia Smith Swimming Award: Emily Scire
Griswold Tray: Halley Peterson and Alex Kozikowski
Jane Wydra Award: Anna Dedrick
President’s Cup: Teddy Dawson
Waterhouse Cup: Alex Dion
Calder Cup: Maureen McEnaney
A grand finale
Ronda Verges’ Drama class brought to life the story of Slim Pickins on stage at KBIA, serving as a grand finale to the 2012 season on Aug. 17. KBIA teacher Tony Viehmann, on hand to see his story in action, was thrilled with the production: “That was such a fun time for me and I hope the kids enjoyed it as much as I did!” he said.
Published just this summer, Tony’s colorful children’s story follows the antics of a pesky pick-pocketing sea gull named Slim and beachgoers’ attempts to thwart his bad habits.
“The Shenanigans of Slim Pickins” sells for $12.95 at Kennebooks and Marlow’s in Kennebunk, as well as Day Trip Society Jr. in Kennebunkport.
It’s in the mail!
One of the great things about KBIA is the variety of places from which we all come, all united by our love for KBIA. Children make new friends and those friends become pen pals until they meet at KBIA again. Parents, too, meet new friends through the years and want to stay in touch in the off-season. To foster such friendships, we annually publish a Membership Directory with families’ names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mails — in other words, everything children and their parents need to stay in touch. Following tradition, it also includes a listing of winners’ names from our July and August awards ceremonies. The directory is in production right now, and members will receive the booklet in the mail by early October.
Where is Strawberry Island? Our new sign marks the spot!
Did you know KBIA also owns a sliver of land on Great Hill Road, which provides access to Strawberry Island? We now have a sign that marks the .34-acre rocky plot at 38 Great Hill Road, right next to the small plot owned by the Kennebunk Land Trust. While our children more commonly visit the island by walking directly over the sand at low tide, the rocky island is also accessible to the public via our “Gateway to Strawberry Island.”
Want to work at KBIA next year?
Thinking ahead to next year, we will begin the hiring process for Counselors and the application process for CITs next January; applications will be posted on our website.
Maureen McEnaney