For our Week 4 newsletter, click here.
Please join us Saturday
Please join us at KBIA this Saturday, July 21, for the first of our two annual barbecue and awards ceremonies. The July BBQ and Awards Ceremony will kick off with assorted watersports in the pool for various ages:
9:00 AM: 3- to 4-year-olds
9:30 AM: 5- to 6-year-olds
10:00 AM: 7- to 8-year-olds
10:30 AM: 9- to 10-year-olds
11:00 AM: 11 and older
At noon, KBIA volunteers will serve up a barbaecue lunch (hot dogs and hamburgers, lemonade, iced tea, chips and cake.)
At 1 PM, we will begin the awards portion of the day, handing out various KBIA “wedges” and traditional KBIA honors.
Be sure to check next week’s e-newsletter for a list of the winners!
From 6 to 8 PM, please join us on the KBIA green for our fifth annual Seaside Celebration. In honor of our “older” members of this KBIA community (21 and older, please), we will be serving up cocktails and light hors d’oeuvres by the shore. Please come celebrate the summer with us. We kindly ask you RSVP by Monday, July 16; please email Laura Smith at [email protected] or call the office at 967-2180.
Good times, good cause
True to part of our mission at KBIA, our Beach Clean-Up and Bonfire will be held at 5:30 PM Friday night, followed by a celebratory bonfire at 6:30. We will supply gloves and bags, you supply the “manpower” to help tidy The Cove and Mother’s Beach. Please bring your own picnic to enjoy after the clean-up.
This just in!
The second design of our two new sailing shirts are now for sale in the KBIA store! Both this long-sleeve tech shirt and the white short-sleeved cotton t-shirt feature our new burgee, and both are available in a variety of youth and adult sizes. The white t-shirt sells for $12, while the gold shirt is $40.
‘Paint the Beach’ is July 28
Take home a piece of summer with you! KBIA and Heartwood College of Art will partner for a new special benefit art show on Saturday, July 28. This first-time event, called “Paint the Beach,” will feature renown regional artists in various mediums illustrating Kennebunk Beach and its surrounding architecture in all its scenic glory. Artwork, measuring 14×14 inches or 12×16, will be for sale under the new tent. All pieces will sell for $400, unframed, and KBIA will receive 50 percent of the proceeds.
This week at KBIA
Tween Night:
6 to 9:30 PM Tuesday
Portland Sea Dogs, Portland. $24.
Movie Night:
7 to 9 PM Wednesday
“Princess and the Frog”
at Smith House, $7.
Teen Night:
11:30 PM Thursday
Midnight Premiere of “The Dark Knight Rising”
Meet at KBIA steps at 11:30 PM. $24.
Please pre-register for all events at the office so we may accurately order tickets for teens and tickets/transportation for tweens; families may pay at the door for Movie Night.
Please respect ‘the zone’
Please be advised Kennebunk police have begun ticketing unattended cars in KBIA’s pick-up/drop-off zone. As posted, all drivers must remain with their cars. Longer-term parking is available by permit along the fence or at nearby Mother’s Beach. The closest parking for those without a permit is along Ridge Avenue. The Town of Kennebunk created the pick-up/drop-off zone area last year, clearly marked with signs, in order to create proper access for emergency vehicles. The zone also helps ease parking issues as well as ease transition on and off campus. We need — and very much appreciate — your cooperation!
Missing something?
Our Lost & Found is beginning to burgeon! Missing a towel, goggles or that special lunchbox? You might want to check our gray box located in the right-rear of the white Adventures tent by the Cove. Good luck!