News from the Beach
August 11, 2014
Week 8: Last call for summer
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Back to school? Back to life? Back to reality? Not so fast! We are still celebrating summer here at KBIA, our final week of the season. We have a festive finale planned for Saturday, details below, and we hope you’ll join us in enjoying these last days of summer at the beach.
Season finale: August
BBQ & Awards this Saturday


Please join us at KBIA this Saturday, August 16, for the second and final barbecue and awards ceremonies. Just like our July event, our August BBQ and Awards Ceremony will kick off with assorted watersports in the pool for various ages:
  9:30 AM: 3- to 4-year-olds
10:00 AM: 5- to 6-year-olds
10:30 AM: 7- to 8-year-olds
11:00 AM: 9 and older
11:30 AM: Free swim for all ages
At 11:15 AM, we will hold our annual Membership Meeting under the white tent (details below).
At 12 PM, KBIA volunteers will serve up a barbecue lunch (hot dogs, hamburgers or veggie burgers, chips, cake and drinks.) Cost is $6.
At 1 PM, we will begin the awards portion of the day, handing out various KBIA “wedges” and traditional KBIA honors.
Be sure to check next week’s e-newsletter for a list of the winners!
Membership Meeting is Saturday
All KBIA members are invited to our annual meeting at 11:15 AM Saturday under the tent. This is an opportunity to share thoughts on the season, air ideas for next summer, and ask questions of the Board and/or Executive Director. Afterward, please plan to stay for a BBQ lunch at noon, followed by the Awards Ceremony at 1.
Membership Directory due out this fall
Our annual Membership Directory, due out in late September, makes it easy to stay in touch with your KBIA friends and family throughout the year. Our annual publication lists our trophy winners as well as the 2014 list of KBIA staff and families’ names, addresses, e-mails and phone numbers. In order for it to be as accurate as possible, please make sure the office has your latest contact information. And if you haven’t joined yet for 2014, you have until Friday! 
Wear your heart on your sleeve (or car)
Take a little piece of KBIA home with you this fall. Our store, located inside Strong Cottage and open during office hours, is chock full of hats, long- and short-sleeved T-shirts, fleeces, umbrellas, sweatshirts, sweatpants and so much more to help you remember the good times at KBIA all year long. Now through Saturday, we will even take 10% off all purchases of $100 or more. Be sure to also check out our discount bin of discontinued items! The store will be open during our year-end festivities from 10 AM to 1 PM Saturday.
Lost items? Find them here
Our lost and found is overflowing with towels, goggles and clothing that someone surely is missing. Before leaving KBIA this week, please stop by the gray bin, located outside the garage door of Smith House. Items left behind after Friday will be donated to Goodwill.
Our final week at KBIA
TWEEN NIGHT: Pool Party with pizza and ice cream at KBIA, 6 to 8:30 PM Tuesday. $24. *Tween Night will be combined with Teen Night this week.
BEACH BONFIRE: 6 PM Wednesday. Bring your own picnic dinner to enjoy with friends around our campfire at Mother’s Beach. Free admission.
MOVIE NIGHT: 7 to 9 PM Wednesday “Rio 2” $7. *Movie Night is currently full.
TEEN NIGHT: Pool Party with pizza and ice cream at KBIA, 6 to 8:30 PM Tuesday. $24. *Teen Night will be combined with Tween Night this week.

 * please register in advance at the office (967-2180) for all programs.