News from the Beach
June 20, 2016
Hello Summer!

Monday, June 20th marks the first day of summer and also marks the day we officially open the KBIA office.  KBIA classes commence on Season Opening Day, Monday, June 27th. Thanks to our hard-working faculty and staff, we are ready to welcome new faces and welcome back old friends. And if you want to bring a friend, please do!  This year during Week 1 no membership fee will be required to register for classes, so this is a great time to share the KBIA experience or even check us out for the first time. See you Opening Day!

Registration reminder
It’s been a busy spring for us in the office at KBIA, and we thank all of our preregistered families for helping us in advance. Just a reminder that registration is first come, first served, and classes are filling up!
We are open all this week in advance of Opening Day, so don’t hesitate to contact us! We can answer many questions by phone, however, class registrations must be requested in writing by fax, email or regular mail. All forms necessary are available on our website at Hard copies of the 2016 Registration Guide are available through the office.
Reminder that we are now at the two week out point for withdrawing from Week 1 classes with only a $10 administration fee per class.  See page 26 of the Registration Guide for details.
Please be advised, as of June 20 our office hours are:
Monday8 AM to 5 PM
TuesdayFriday: 9 AM to 12 PM | 1 to 4 PM 
Bundle Up! and Look for your designated picnic table
Back by popular demand, we have bundled some of our most popular classes to give children a three-hour (or, with tennis, four-hour) period of KBIA programming with supervision included between classes. Check our website for details on the specific classes offered, schedules, and prices.
Look for the picnic table with the wheelbarrows – we have two, one green, one blue! Again this year, we will reserve one picnic table exclusively for those in the bundle program, and a Bundle Coordinator will oversee the children throughout the day. For those children who opt for the extended hour, we will have a reserved spot for their belongings while they are at their tennis lessons.
And as a reminder for the bundles, parents drop off their child at the first class and pick them up at their last class.
Movie Nights
Grab some popcorn, pull up a seat, and enjoy the show! Our favorite night is coming back…two nights per week.  We will offer movies on Mondays and Wednesdays, 7 to 9PM, $7 fee.
Monday nights         Rated PG   Ages 7-12
Wednesday nights   Rated G     Ages 4-10
Due to capacity limits, admission is granted in the order registrations are received and parents MUST REGISTER children on their Registration Form or at the office by 4PM the day of Movie Night. Walk-ins cannot be accepted.
A Day at the Beach Road Race
KBIA 5k Road Race & 1k Kids Fun Run
Sunday, July 10 

Registration is open for our KBIA 5k/1k road race on Sunday, July 10th. The 1K Kids Fun Run will start at 8:30am, followed by the 5K Road Race at 9am. Both races start by the playground.  The first 150 pre-registered runners will receive a free t-shirt!

If you are looking to participate in another way, we are also looking for volunteers.  The first 15 volunteers to sign up get a free KBIA Volunteer t-shirt.  A fun way to get involved with a great fundraiser benefiting KBIA summer programs!
Please contact Events Coordinator Aimee Vlachos at [email protected]