KBIA 120 Capital Campaign

KBIA 120: Keeping the Legacy Alive


Over the past several winters, unprecedented storms and flooding have battered KBIA’s waterfront property, causing significant damage and putting our historic buildings at imminent risk.  With environmental experts suggesting that similar extreme weather events are likely to occur more frequently in the coming years, it is time for KBIA to make a significant investment in our infrastructure.  Experts have told us that if we do not act now, we risk the possibility of losing entire buildings to storm surges that could render our waterfront home unusable. It is crucial that we protect this beloved community resource because KBIA is such a critical part of Kennebunk’s past and future.  

Our Campaign
KBIA seeks to raise $2 million to support capital improvements and renovations at our home on Mother’s Beach.  After consulting with trusted experts in construction, design and engineering, we have identified critical upgrades to our infrastructure that will help ensure the organization’s long-term sustainability.  Without addressing these pressing needs in the short term, there is a danger that future storms will damage the property to such an extent that it will become unusable.  With your support, KBIA plans to address the following capital needs as we move toward our 120th year:

During the most recent winter storms, KBIA’s playground sustained heavy damage and is currently unusable.  KBIA plans to replace the playground with more resilient equipment and make structural changes to the site that will better protect it from future storms.  In addition, KBIA seeks to establish a playground sustainability fund that will be used to cover the cost of annual repairs as necessary.

Smith House
Given its age and condition, Smith House is in critical need of renovations to protect it from future storms and the annual damage caused by high tides and flooding. At a minimum, Smith House needs to be raised to a level over the high-water mark and then either be renovated or rebuilt to ensure its future viability as an integral part of the KBIA campus. A new and improved Smith House will allow KBIA to get the most out of our footprint and improve the overall experience for current and future generations of KBIA children.

Strong Cottage
To minimize the potential for near-term storm-related damage, KBIA plans to re-wire Strong Cottage and move its mechanicals to the upper part of the building. In the longer term, KBIA will begin work on modifications to improve the resiliency of Strong Cottage, which could include raising the structure and allowing for a water pass-through in the basement to reduce the risk of flooding.

Project Timeline

   • Installation of temporary new equipment – June 2024  
   • Resiliency work – October 2024
   • Installation and re-opening of fully updated playground – June 2025

Smith House
   • Raise/re-design – Fall 2024
   • Construction/renovation – June 2025

Strong Cottage
   • Re-wiring/mechanical – Winter 2025
   • Raising and/or significant modifications – 2026


Help us Keep the Legacy Alive!

    • Make an investment in KBIA today to help launch the campaign
    • Consider a gift of stock

How to Donate

Donations can be made by check, stock, or credit card.

Check and stock donations, made payable to KBIA, can be sent to:
    P.O. Box 707
    Kennebunk, ME 04043


KBIA is now a CAF International Validated Organization!

Our Canadian friends may now donate tax-free, thanks to our new partnership with CAF Canada. View here  Choose “Kennebunk Beach Improvement Association” from the drop-down menu.



Credit card donations can be made online by clicking this button: Donate Now


Not ready to donate today but still wish to support this campaign?

Let us know how you would like to support us by completing this Pledge Form


CAF International Validated Organization

KBIA has been at the heart of Kennebunk Beach for more than 100 years – nurturing generations of children and fostering lifelong friendships. Through your support of our campaign, you can help us ensure the long-term sustainability of KBIA and help to protect this unique place, where our impact on the environment and on the Cove matters. Please join us as we look forward to our 120th anniversary and add your support to Keeping our Legacy Alive. 

Questions? Please reach out to Mimi Fox or the KBIA Board.