I first stepped foot on the KBIA campus in March of 2009 – and this will be my tenth summer at KBIA. Over my tenure, we completed the largest capital campaign in our 107 year history, raising well over one million dollars, allowing us to replace the pool and playground, add to our endowment, and set up allocated funds for future use. What I am most proud of though, is rising to the challenge of keeping KBIA’s culture of inclusiveness, friendliness, and the balance between informality, safety, and structure strong. I have seen children who were learning to swim in our pool go on to become lifeguards, children who were learning to sail Optis become sailing instructors – over the past decade I have witnessed what we do here at KBIA come full circle. KBIA has always been a place for children to explore, be challenged, and make friends. I have met and gotten to know countless parents, grandparents, and most importantly children – and I feel privileged to continue to be allowed to navigate the course we have chosen for KBIA.
A few new changes are coming our way in the 2018 season. We have added a keelboat sailing class where instructors will take small groups of children out in sailboats for longer sails over a series of days. This is a great class for older children who are new to sailing, or for those who want a different experience.
We are excited to offer more opportunities for members to socialize and meet one another. Our extended family bonfire and barbeque nights were such a success we will be scheduling more this summer, so grab some games and apps and meet us at the beach! Another family friendly event we are thrilled to add to the social calendar is the family day at the KBIA pool, adults can cannonball off the diving board too (trust me, it’s fun). Additionally, we are planning to have coffee and treats for adults on Fridays – after all, why can’t it be a fun Friday for the grown-ups too? More details on all classes and events will be in the 2018 Registration Guide due out at the end of March.
I may be more eager than the kids to get back on campus this summer, not only to get the season underway but to see the new updates to campus. Our sea wall adjacent to the cove is being repaired, new siding and trim has been added to the Smith House, and we will be unveiling a special detail with a nod to our historical roots. This is all made possible by the generosity of our donors and members, and we are forever grateful. We hope you come visit us Opening Day on June 25.
In the meantime, we invite you to join KBIA as a member. Our 2018 membership form can be found on our website
here. Membership fees support KBIA in the year they are given and remain crucial to the financial health and stability of our nonprofit organization while still giving scholarships.
Your generosity, in any amount, helps us make a difference both in this community and our children’s lives. In addition to our membership, please consider a donation to our scholarship fund, facilities fund, and/or our general fund. Visit the “
How to Donate” section of our website to find out more about each fund. All donations help support our beloved KBIA, a place where children explore the vast and rugged beauty of the Maine coast in summer, while building knowledge, leadership, and respect for themselves, others and their world.
Martin Lodish
Executive Director